Note from the maker……

Grossular Pink Garnet from Mexico - Otherwise known as Rosalite


The materials

Hi I’m Marisela and I am the one-woman Silversmith behind ‘Wild Leaf’. I work from a shed which used to house my garden tools but is now my workshop. I live in North Buckinghamshire with my partner and his daughter, and my two girls (mad dogs) Inti & Mabel.

I studied Silversmithing & Jewellery Design many moons ago, and have been a collector all my life. I have a deep rooted interest in my ancestry, ancient civilisations, symbolism and spiritual practises. I have this desire to create jewellery that act as symbolism or talismans inspired by nature and folklore, I hope by wearing my pieces you feel a connection to the natural world even when you are in the busiest of places. The jewellery should serve as a reminder that you are a part of nature.

Ive always loved the feeling of crafting something beautiful and making something with my hands, I also love supporting other quality craftspeople. These days I prefer to spend my hard earned pennies on fully supporting brands that keep traditional crafts alive.

I love all things magical this includes and doesn’t stop at Crystal Healing, Tarot & Oracle cards, Herbal Medicine, Yoga, and sound healing. I enjoy my food and good coffee. I feel deeply connected in the woods and on the beach, i’m so happy when Im outdoors, not keen on over populated areas.

I LOVE retreats especially in wooden cabins. My logo is a reminder of that dream that one day I will get my log cabin and make it super cozy with furs, enamelwares, jars of preserves/pickles especially Kimchi and hedgerow jam (yum). I will chop wood, yoga it up barefoot whilst adorned in jewellery and live off the land happily ever.

Through this site, I get to live out that dream.

The Craft

I love the process of making. At first the idea, then the sourcing of correct materials and tools, then measuring out and then the making. I use tools like a pearce saw to create shape and then files to give texture, shape and smooth edges. I use Fire from a torch to heat metals up to make them malleable so I can join pieces together and hammers, punches and stamps to create texture, pattern and shape.

I’m inspired by history and folklore BUT my main inspiration comes from nature. As a herbalist and Yoga teacher I have extensive practise in nourishing the body for complete mind, body and soul health so for me, if it feels good and is good then why wouldn’t you want more.

My jewellery is for those that love nature that love the magic in the unknown. I hand make all pieces and any pieces that are casted the original cast would have been sourced from outside or made by my hand.

I am also big into recycling and reusing, on my travels if I see pieces that have more life in them and that can become part of my creations then I love to clean, dismantle and re build again using varied techniques which could involve silversmithing, embroidery and beading with the found materials that might otherwise been destined for landfill.

Upon receiving your unique piece I would love to see this on you, please tag me

Working with others and sharing other’s treasures…

I am also keen and happy to showcase other’s creations, If you are a designer and you share my ethos regarding sustainability, recycling and reusing then please do get in contact by email at


Its very important that we recycle and reuse as much as we can. The fashion industry which includes homewares and accessories has such a waste culture behind it. I like to second had where I can and from a young age I have visited markets, car boots sales etc… collecting what I could to reuse and repurpose. My aim is to share beautiful objects I have found and maybe tinkered with to make useable or more appealing again. By supporting small business that repurpose, re use and recycle objects you are helping to keep these bits out of landfill.